Friday, July 30, 2010

Friday, August 30, 2010

Morning Pills (8:00 am):

Breakfast (9:15 am):
     Protein Smoothie (approx. 20 oz.) made with:
        10 oz. of Berry Blend Diet V8 Splash
        1 Scoop Vanilla Max Protein
        2 tsp Fiber Supplement
        1/2 Frozen Banana
        1/2 Goya Mango Fruit Pulp
        1 cup Frozen Strawberries
     Lactaid Pill (the Lactose from the Whey Protein doesn't agree with my stomach)

Lunch (1:30 pm):
     2 Hard Boiled Eggs
     2 Strawberries

I spent all morning working on my UK Visa application and before I knew it, it was after 1 and I was famished!

Afternoon Pills (3:30 pm):

I get all my vitamins directly from my doctor.  They are the offices' (there are 3 different offices in the area under the same practice) own "brand".  They are easily digestible for WLS patients (duh!) and the prices are reasonable, often times cheaper then other bariatric vitamins.  All but my calcium are pills I can just swallow.  For whatever reason the calcium tablet flavors very each time I get them.  Sometimes they are a yummy citrusy flavor.  This time they are just generic fruit and not so good but it's easy enough to crunch on for a second and swallow.

Afternoon Snack (4:00 pm):
     3 Murray Sugar Free Oatmeal Cookies

I know, I know, not the greatest choice but they are the one thing that keeps me from eating all the REAL cookies around here!  Carbs don't cause any problems for me (honestly, not many foods really do) but I know I am supposed to limit them.  While these cookies may be more carb rich then other snack options, they are sugar free so they don't send me off on a binge.  As I said yesterday, I am still figuring all this out.  I may be almost one year post op and it may seem like I should have this all down by now but, for me, this is going to be a life long learning process, of that, I am sure!

Dinner (6:30 pm):
     2 Slices of Thin Crust Cheese Pizza

Not the most stellar dinner.  Friday is pizza night in my parents' house so I either eat pizza with the family or cook something for myself.  I should have just eaten one piece, as I was satisfied after just one, but pizza is somewhat of a trigger food so I went ahead and had a second piece which left me feeling pretty well stuffed.  Thankfully my family has started ordering the thin crust pizza since my surgery so it's not nearly as bad as the pan pizza they used to order!

Evening Snack (8:15 pm):
     Klondike Slim-a-Bear 100 Calorie No Sugar Added Fudge Pop

Physical Activity for the Day:

Need to work on this!

Mental/Spiritual/Emotional Work for the Day:
     Began working on a gratitude list (will be posted when complete)

Fluids for the Day:
     20 oz. Protein Smoothie
     40 oz. Water

Evening Pills:
     Fell asleep and forgot to take them!

Not too great.  Not too bad.  Perfectly imperfect.  :)

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